Application Security for Web

Protect the web apps you create. Monitor those apps to discover attacks. Automatically react to app attacks.

Obfuscation, threat monitoring, and runtime application self-protection for web apps written in just about every language for just about every browser


Shift Left to protect apps 

  • Build Secure Software as part of web app dev process
  • Protect web apps from reverse engineering
  • Detect attempts to tamper with or alter web apps


Provide visibility into web apps that are under attack

  • See attacks and  attempts to put web apps in compromised environments
  • Stand-alone dashboard with option to integrate with existing Security Operations Center tools
  • Real time alerts plus searchable logs


Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP)

  • Automatically react to attacks on web apps
  • Customize reactions to attacks in order to alter specific web application capabilities
  • Configure automatic shutdown of web apps

What is Web Application Security?

Web application security protects browser endpoints against cyber security threats by obfuscating client-side code.

Web application security refers to the protection of browser endpoints against attack from Magecart and other formjacking-style attacks, malicious browser extensions, banking trojans, malvertisements, and other cyber security threats. When addressed properly—including JavaScript protection, threat detection, and limiting API connections to known good sites, along with defensive measures that can shut down web app functionality in the event of an attack—effective web application security enables customers to detect and protect against active threats, protecting businesses and consumers from data breaches and financial losses.


Web applications have evolved—so must security

The only constant in the threat landscape is change. Network and web app firewalls are essential to preventing access to assets that “live” inside the security perimeter. Mobile and cloud technology, however, have put many assets, apps, and tech outside of the security perimeter.

Client-side web apps open up new business opportunities— both legitimate and illegitimate. Organizations are now increasingly relying on client-side apps to deliver faster and richer experiences to their customers. However, the increasing size of the client-side app is also increasing the size of the attack surface. Moving important components to the client-side of applications (that is, outside the protection of traditional network security) increases the risk of attacks such as formjacking, Document Object Model (DOM) tampering, session abuse, and overlay attacks.

Many organizations still believe a web application firewall (WAF) is all that’s needed to protect web apps from security threats. In fact, WAFs are an important but not comprehensive part of the solution. Traditional security techniques such as WAFs are unable to stop web app attacks that originate at the browser, outside the purview of network security.

As threat actors continue pushing boundaries in identifying new attack vectors, organizations must respond in kind to ensure critical assets and data are being properly and fully protected. Application Security for Web tech specs


  • JavaScript
with additional standard web technologies such as
  • HTML5
  • ASP
  • JSP
  • AJAX
and much more

JavaScript Frameworks

  • Vue.js
  • React
  • Angular
  • jQuery
and much more Application Protection for Web includes a multi-layered approach to protecting web applications – including the industry's first in-app firewall

Protection at the speed of DevOps

Real-time threat detection 

Active protection

Static protection

The 2024 Application Threat Report Is Out!

lady at desktop

Application Security for Web

Want to learn more about how Application Security will benefit your organization?