Mobile Authentication
Mobile authentication establishes user authentication for the enterprise app store and for the mobile apps themselves without maintaining an entirely separate set of user credentials.
Mobile authentication establishes user authentication for the enterprise app store and for the mobile apps themselves without maintaining an entirely separate set of user credentials.
Enterprise customers are routinely challenged with establishing user authenticity at the app store and individual app level. This challenge is further complicated by the need to establish different credential sets for every possible instance of user interaction. App Management solves this problem with a system that uses the SAML 2.0 and Oauth standards to create an SSO experience for users by connecting mobile authentication to the enterprise’s chosen authentication identity provider (e.g. Active Directory). Biometric authentication is also supported, so that an organization’s enterprise app users can use TouchID and FaceID as they are accustomed to with their consumer apps.
All user identity, access and privilege information is stored on the enterprise authentication system – no credentials are stored within the platform – so individuals and groups will maintain the degree of access on their mobile devices as they do with corresponding mobile apps.