App Aware App Aware, formerly Arxan Threat Analytics, is an application threat monitoring and threat analytics service that provides visibility into attacks on the web, desktop, and mobile applications that you make for your end customers.

Application Threat Monitoring

Enhance your DevSecOps practice by inserting the ability to monitor threats to the mobile, web, and desktop apps you create. App Aware is a threat analytics solution that reports when your app is put in an unsafe environment (such as a jailbroken or rooted phone) and when threat actors tamper with your application code. The information on threats can inform changes to the next iteration of your protection blueprint. You can integrate the threat data from App Aware into your existing SIEM or use our stand-alone dashboard.

App Sec animated UI

Trusted by Enterprise Customers

Application Threat Analytics

Build threat monitoring and Threat analytics into your DevSecOps environment. Use the analytics to make the next iteration of your app more secure.

Real Time Monitoring

Insert the ability to monitor apps at build time in order to provide:

  • Real-time visibility into the types of threats facing apps
  • The ability to optimize and adapt protections based on attack insights and trends
  • Easily readable reports and graphs for the C suite
Real Time Monitoring

Threat Analytics

Monitor threats to the apps that you create and give to your customers – apps that by definition live outside of your firewall. App Aware delivers:

  • Operational reporting from the moment apps are published to provide an understanding of the threat environment in which they are operating
  • Information on apps running on compromised devices (jailbroken or rooted)
  • Reports when apps are run in other potentially unsafe environments such as debuggers or dynamic instrumentation toolkits
Threat Analytics

Integrate with your SOC

Integrate the ability to monitor apps outside your firewall into your Security Operations Center (SOC)

  • Easily integrates with your existing SIEM, SOAR, or other fraud prevention platforms
  • Also accessible via browser as a stand-alone dashboard
  • Easily create reports for C-Suite consumption
Integrate with your SOC

The 2024 Application Threat Report details anonymized and aggregated threat data from our App Aware customers across the globe

lady at desktop

Ready to Start Monitoring Threats to the Apps Your Create?

Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process of adding monitoring capabilities to your apps